Saturday, April 12, 2003

Much appreciation for the people who called or e-mailed me making sure I was okay after that one post about my life and such.

I'm thinking of switching from Blogger to livejournal because they let you leave comments, and it might be nice to get comments. I've seen that you can have comments on blogger sites as well, because Katie has them, but I'm too stupid to figure out how to code it. Bah, I say.

The only thing that got me out of the house today (Saturday) was knowing that this was the last day for me to turn in this month's Previews.

Speaking of getting out of the house, this has nothing to do with that, but Alex called me this morning (Saturday) and it woke me up and that was a far better wake up than my alarm... but just as with my alarm, I wasn't sure what was going on for the first several minutes.

I may start calling girls "Honey-drawers". It's like calling them "Sweet-pants" or "Sugar-britches" only nicer. If you are a girl that I know do you think this would offend you?

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