Saturday, August 23, 2008

I'm tired of all the pain.. helps you understand what you need to do to not just survive a fight with 20 children, but win!

You know you should be glad..

So, is Viking Santa there presenting this comely lass to Spider-Man and if so why does he look so furious about it?

A collection of unnecessarily sexy and often confusingly awesome Spider-Man covers from Mexico.
(I should warn that the rest of that blog is pretty NSFW.)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Comin' down fast..

This is an old one, but there are always new people showing up around these parts, and I need them to understand that I love The Flash.

Let me introduce you..

I mean, I did it.
Why shouldn't you?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Life with Little Iron Man : Part 1

The only other movie he's seen three times is Leaving Las Vegas... which he thinks is a comedy.
This was a button for my movie that came out!
Did you see it?
Boy, I must've seen it 3 times!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

If I knew back then..

This one is just for special guy, Sean George.
DJ Danny Diggz - Jackin' Jay-Z (Wonderwall Mash)

Process information..

Man, I just don't know what to make of this game.

I'll make breakfast..

These guys live at my house now.

I've seen dogs do that..

Never let it be said that I am afraid to jump on a bandwagon.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I got tired of the heart attacks..

Superboy Prime cracks me up.
Read the preview of Final Crisis : Legion of Three Worlds over at Newsarama.
Also, feel free to enjoy the Wikiquote entry for ol' SBP.

Monday, August 18, 2008