Monday, April 09, 2007


Well, my thanks to all of you who helped Shane and I move on to ROUND TWO of the Fist-A-Cuffs Tag Team Tournament.
This is where things really get tough though, because we are now in mortal combat with our friends Hackenslash.
What happens next is completely up to you fine people.
Voting for Round 2 only lasts 3 days, so get those votes in and tell a friend.

While I've got you here, I'd also like to mention the additions to the links list over there to your right.
As I promised, there is now a link to Shane's blog, and as soon as his real site is up and running there'll be a link to that as well.
Also, you'd be doing yourself a real disservice if you didn't check out my internet super-friends Joe Quinones and Maris Wicks.
Apparently, Joe has been stalking me in secret (from far, far away) and decided to put me in one of his awesome drawings..
It's easy to not be scared when he draws such pretty pictures, and now that we've talked about it everything is cool.
Be sure to vote for Maris and Joe's team Skin and Bonez as well!

Okay, that's all I've got for now.

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