Thursday, April 03, 2003

I knew as soon as I put the new front page picture up, that some people would like it, and some would dislike it. Actually, I don't think "like" and "dislike" are strong enough words to describe the scale of the polarity of feelings on that particular picture. And it's up to you whether or not you believe me about this part, but I also knew exactly who would and who would not like it. If you haven't voiced your opinion on it to me yet, please feel free to e-me about it. Or don't. Totally your call.

If you don't think that this is how every store and retail chain and business thinks of you, then you are exactly who every stupid commercial is talking to. Either way, it's still funny.

I am Stupendous Man!
You are simply amazing, whether you are battling your arch-nemesis Mom Lady, the nefarious Babysitter Girl, or the fiendish Annoying Girl. And you have absolutely nothing to do with mild-mannered Calvin.

Which Calvin are YOU?

I'd like to thank Steve for finding the above quiz. I don't think I talk about Calvin and Hobbes or how much I love them on here nearly enough. In case you're interested, I think Calvin and Hobbes was (is) the greatest comic strip ever.

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