Saturday, March 29, 2003

I made a bunch of changes to the "Art Gallery" section last week and forgot to mention it. If you want to check it out, you're welcome to do so.
At the moment, this sketch of Batman is my favorite pic from the entire gallery. I don't draw Batman much (because I usually screw it up real good), but I think this one is pretty ok. Any comments are both welcomed and appreciated.

New pictures from the Gamecube Mega Man game!!

"Hey, have ya'll got that new R. Kelly CD, Chocolate Salad?" - something I said to Edward as my impression of some of the customers we talk to

"Do you think Kalibak is tough because of super powers? Hell no, he's tough because of a lifetime of running his head into things. You fall off the roof into a pile of nails and trash enough times and you'll be a badass too." - Seanbaby on Kalibak, son of Darkseid from the Superfriends

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