Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This song is over without you..

A little sketch of Curt I did on a Post-It note.
I also did a colored version. I think I prefer the B&W one.


Curt Franklin said...

There should be a blog solely dedicated to me.

chrishaley said...

There is.. and no one EVER updates it.

Lighthouse Pilot said...

I was going to comment first on your art, but seeing as how there's already a joke in the running about people not updating their blogs...I thought it would be a nice segue into me letting you know I've updated my blog...and will be doing so again tomorrow...and the next day...and the next.

I agree...there's something super nice in the original version that we're losing in the color version.


chrishaley said...

Shane - Yes! Glad to have you back making the rest of us look bad.
Now that you've posted as such in multiple places though, you should know that the hard time you'll be given for slacking off in said updating will now be multiplied.