Thursday, January 30, 2003

Remember the other day when I told you it's been a weird couple of days? Well, that trend of weirdness has continued. It's like a lot of things that seemed very certain suddenly do not, and other things are doing less than making sense as well. I really feel like I may be at some kind of crucial point or crossroads right now in a whole lot of areas. I dunno, maybe I take things the wrong way sometimes and look at things in weird ways, and maybe I say things like this too often, but it's my website and if I don't tell you how I'm feeling no one else will. I'm not even sure if this makes any kind of sense, but it feels good to get it off my chest. Maybe things will be back to normal by the next time I post something. I'm going to keep my eyes to the skies and stay confident that everything will work out. Rock and roll, kids.

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