Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Oh, look!

The Spirit, Superman, and Scott Pilgrim by Jon Morris!

These are currently on their merry way to me!
I could not be more excited!
Look at all these exclamation marks!!!
And, as a bonus, I'm responsible for one of my favorite artists checking out (and subsequently loving) SCOTT PILGRIM!
I am the champions, my friends!
Hit the link (up there) for Jon's commentary on the matter.
Also, we are now officially even for my mistakingly attributing something Corey Lewis said as something you said, Bryan Lee O'Malley!


Dylan Todd said...

Those are pretty freaking excellent.

And that whole Bryan Lee O'Malley thing = classic.

chrishaley said...

Dylan - The story gets even better when I eventually get around to telling the story of meeting him at HeroesCon a few weeks ago.

april said...

this is awesome!!!! with four exclamation points!!!!

also, what did you mean about being "even?"

Pulpatooner said...

I wondered if you were the Chris Jon mentioned. I'm jealous as hell over that Spirit sketch.

chrishaley said...

Joel - Can you imagine another Chris that would ask for that combination of characters?