Apple's got the new Incredible Hulk trailer up now.
This one is better than the previous one.
I still think the CGI in this movie looks less realistic than the 2003 flick.
Why is that?
Why is that?
Update : Oh, wow, this makes two posts featuring CGI green guys in a row. Fantastic.
i'm having a problem with the CGI in this flick too. my friend says i'm crazy, but it's good to see that i'm not the only person who feels slightly underwhelmed by the CG Hulk.
Ed Norton runs like a girl. There. I said it.
Also, as much as I love William Hurt (and I love him a lot), I still think Sam Elliott should have been recast as Thunderbolt Ross. Thats "Property of the US Gov't" line would have been perfect in his awesome drawl. And is it just me, or does Hurt' mustache look really fake?
Josh - You're not alone.
Dylan - Agreed. Agreed. Agreed. A little.
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